Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Abyss Is Near

Here's what I don't understand about Christians voting Republican.

The right wants you to believe that you shouldn't help the poor, which goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ.
They want you to think that every life is sacred, men have no place deciding what a women does.
The belief that voting for a Republican will somehow change the world, when sorry, we're behind the rest of the world in Education, Gay rights, Healthcare and the way we treat our elderly, because of the choices of a certain Republican President.
There is no place in civilized society for the things the right is saying.
When we stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.
We are on the footsteps of our abyss. This country is heading for a cliff financially, educationally, morally. That last part, morally is what grabs me.
When we look at our fellow Americans do we see them or their religion, political affiliation or their monetary situation?
Following the right leads us to the slaughter. Do you want to be the sacrificial lamb? DO you really believe your guns will be taken away. Sorry, not going to happen. IF you believe that, you're not worth saving.
The corpses of Americans will litter the streets of its cities if we have a new revolution, and it's coming. If you don't believe it's coming, you're lost.
At no time in human history has there ever been such a difference in the classes and the poor, downtrodden and meek not stood up and started to fight back.
Occupy is the first step toward those who can't speak for themselves will be helped.
Welcome to the revolution!

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