Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Leaving The LDS Church Isn't Easy

I've been fighting with myself about writing this post for a while. But after today, it has to be written.
“Feature image courtesy of Seantoyer via Creative Commons”
My wife was raised in a mostly LDS household, her father went on a mission, her mother was raised in the Mormon colonies in Juarez. Her mom is a Romney, yes she's related to Mitt Romney.
My father-in-law left the church when my wife was little girl. My wife was baptized in the church when she was eight, much to father-in-laws disappointment.
My wife went through a change in her beliefs, like I did, when she was younger. Mostly guided by her fathers issues with the church and not his lack of faith in Christianity.
When I met my wife I was an atheist and nothing else. The reason for this is because of my being raised non-Mormon in Utah. Something  I wouldn't wish on anyone. I couldn't do scouts or any number of other things young boys do, because of being non-Mormon.
Recently my wife had been trying to resign from the church and have her name taken off the records, something that no other church does. Her reasons for this are her non-belief in the teachings of Joseph Smith and The Book of Mormon and her lack of belief in Christianity as a whole.
A few months ago she started the process of doing this. She contacted the LDS church headquarters in Salt Lake City with a letter. This is something that must be done in order to "leave" the church.
After sending the letter she did not receive a response from the church for three weeks, and only then it was to acknowledge that they'd received her letter. It took a few more weeks to have the Bishop of the Ward, that we'd never been to, to show up at our house and ask my wife if this is what she'd wanted to do.
Today, this all changed she received a letter from the Home Teachers. The Bishop told her she would not receive any further contact from the church, but yet she receives this letter.
This is not my usual type of post, but I want people to know that you can't just stop going to an LDS church once your name is on their records.
We had missionaries, home teachers and others come to our house after we moved to Las Vegas. How they found my wife is beyond our understanding, and why they keep harassing her is irritating.
I hope this helps someone who is going through the same thing she is.

Here is a place you can look for help leaving the LDS church.

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