Saturday, June 22, 2013

America and the Elephant

When I was growing up in the 80's I remember hearing that Russia was evil and that America was better than "Them".

Now it's 2013 and are we any better than them now?

There's the story of the elephant, who when he's young he's tied to a stake and as he grows older--and stronger--he doesn't break the stake because he learned as a young elephant that he couldn't break it and gave up trying.

America is the elephant tied to the stake.

We see things going on around the world, we've watched the fall of Libya and Egypt. The riots in Brazil and Turkey. The civil war in Syria.

But even when we're told that our government is doing things that go against the constitution and everything we're told our government is, we ignore them because we feel safe in our ignorance.

We don't want to rock the boat. We're afraid to do something about the PATRIOT Act, or stand up for poor people who are being screwed by the government on a daily basis.

Why are we afraid?

We're the Elephant tied to the stake.

We believe we'll never break the chain of what happens in our society because our government is too big, too strong and we'll never beat them.

We're too comfortable in our lives to let the anything disrupt it. We love our iPhones, our Xboxs, our junk that doesn't mean anything if we sacrifice who we are for the sake of owning things that don't do anything for us but collect dust after we're gone.

If we'd follow what other countries are doing we'd have a government that listened to us, but we're the Elephant tied to the stake.

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