For the last week we've learned that our government is lying to us and that whomever is truly running the government trusts no one, which is why we've been lied to about a great many things.
I thought writing these types of posts were behind me on the blogosphere, but alas it's not to be.
Truth be told I trust no government, this may make me sound crazy or out of my mind and, yes, I'm waiting for the guys in the white coats to put me in a "hug-me" jacket and throw me in a padded room.
I love this country and what it was founded on, but it's no longer that country. It hasn't been in a long time.
When I played The Matrix Online I went by the moniker, Cubist. This has to do with my initials, and my toons given name was Thomas Madison, taken from the two rival founding fathers.
When I thought about writing a post about what's been going on many things came to my mind, but the one that stood out is this.
But like other countries in the last few years, maybe its time.
I saw a comment the other day that said something like this, "We need someone to stand up to the government. One person that would lead."
Who would lead something like that?
Don't believe your government, they're lying to you!
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