Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pot bellied fools.

Bleeding, retreating, the pot bellied fools come eating.
Seeing their faces scarred with blood, the sand and the devil's sin
Gracious, desired the pot bellied fools see no end.
Noxious, intoxicating and they wonder when they'll be feeding.
The lambs have come, they stand to the side.
"We're no longer your food", they yell.
"We're fighting back, because we have to."
"You don't know what you're doing", the pot bellied fools say.
"We're doing the same thing people like us have done for millenia. We're taking a stand" The lambs say.
"But you can't you mustn't. What will we do?" The Pot bellied fools ask.
"You will let us live."