Sunday, June 30, 2013

Edward Snowden, the Cold War Generation and the Post-Cold War Generation

When we see things like Edward Snowden, is it right to think that one generation thinks of as a bad thing another generation sees as a good thing?

One generation sees Snowden as a traitor, why?

Well, let's give some reasons.

Most of the generation that has this belief was raised during the cold war and were told, "Your government is here to protect you from the Russians and Communism."

The other generation has never had anything like that, sure there's terrorism, but that's something different than the big bad Russians.

Terrorism can't launch missiles at you when something doesn't go there way, at least not in The States, not yet. 

During the Cold War Americans were told their government was the good guy, that they were doing things to help them, not to harm them and they went along with it.

The Generation of the Cold War listens and obeys its government because, it's been told that so many times that it believes that whatever it does is for the good of the people, but what if that's not true anymore?

Two Generations

The CWG (Cold War Generation)

There are two generations in The States, The Cold War Generation and The Post-Cold War Generation, both of them love their country, but one of them loves it for different reasons than the other.

The CWG (Cold War Generation) loves it because it was told the Russians has missiles aimed at it and that any moment they would be obliterated in a flash of light, I've heard this statement from CWG's.

The PCWG (Post-Cold War Generation) has heard the stories from relatives about the Cuban Missile Crisis and living in fear of being annihilated at any moment, but they never lived through that, sure 9/11 made them think about it, but to compare 9/11 to the Cold War is off base.

9/11 was something that we couldn't plan for--unless you believe the conspiracy theorists--it was an event that changed the country, and it could have been for the good, but it wasn't, this where the PCWG comes in.


The Post-Cold War Generation knows about the Cold War through text books, movies and stories from their elders, and most likely they may share some of the beliefs of their elders.

Though they may share their beliefs, they are finding themselves troubled by recent revelations about the governments activities, namely the leaks from Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden.

The two things changed the beliefs of this group, they most likely have seen first hand what the government has done, either through the bailout of the banks, the handouts to Big Oil, Big Pharma and Agri-Business.

They've seen the country in dark nights--9/11--and wonderful mornings--DOMAStruck Down. They are more likely not to care about ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion.

They want their government to help them, not to control what they can and can't do.

For PCWG they've heard how great their government is, but all they've seen is wars, poor, loss of jobs, handouts to banks and a Legislative and Executive branch of government that care only for its own interests and not those of the people they represent. They've never seen this wonderful government their parents, grandparents or others have told them about.

They've never felt their government was helping, only hurting their citizens.

There are two Generations in America, which are you?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Marching Bureaucracy

Marching as they're charging and letting the lives be changed.
Adjusted, falsified, rancid and resting.
Ignorance and indifference are the new thug life.
Who cares about the world, let the fucker burn.
The soiled and rotten run through the jungles of bureaucracy bringing their guns, money and false hopes of the poor with them.
What are the dreams, hopes and cares but another lie they say is within reach.
Ignore what you're told. Find your own truth. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

America and the Elephant

When I was growing up in the 80's I remember hearing that Russia was evil and that America was better than "Them".

Now it's 2013 and are we any better than them now?

There's the story of the elephant, who when he's young he's tied to a stake and as he grows older--and stronger--he doesn't break the stake because he learned as a young elephant that he couldn't break it and gave up trying.

America is the elephant tied to the stake.

We see things going on around the world, we've watched the fall of Libya and Egypt. The riots in Brazil and Turkey. The civil war in Syria.

But even when we're told that our government is doing things that go against the constitution and everything we're told our government is, we ignore them because we feel safe in our ignorance.

We don't want to rock the boat. We're afraid to do something about the PATRIOT Act, or stand up for poor people who are being screwed by the government on a daily basis.

Why are we afraid?

We're the Elephant tied to the stake.

We believe we'll never break the chain of what happens in our society because our government is too big, too strong and we'll never beat them.

We're too comfortable in our lives to let the anything disrupt it. We love our iPhones, our Xboxs, our junk that doesn't mean anything if we sacrifice who we are for the sake of owning things that don't do anything for us but collect dust after we're gone.

If we'd follow what other countries are doing we'd have a government that listened to us, but we're the Elephant tied to the stake.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Black & White Media

See the dream laughing in your face?
It's stuttering, sputtering and winking out like the old Black & White your parents had.
It turns on, shuts off and you're left in the dark, the shadows playing on the wall make you want to scream, run, but you stay, sitting in front of the TV, because you know it will come back on, once the tube warms back up, your grandfather told you that, but you don't believe him since he's old and you're young.
But this once, you sit, you listen and wait for the tube to flicker. The warm hum rises through the tv and you feel the room abuzz, though you're the only one in it.
What are you doing, sitting, waiting while others are fighting, dying, arguing, purging and trying to get the world to listen to them.
Get out, do something. 
Run towards the action, don't stand there waiting for the picture tube to tell you what's happening, find out yourself.
Learn about your surroundings, listen to those around you. 
Ignore the buzz of the ancient black & white media.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When the Delusion Persists...

Seeing it, feeling it there's no escaping it. We're far from being separated by the blow, the false flag, the new world order.
Ignore what happens around you. Trust your government with absolute ignorance.
Never trust your government.
Never Trust you government.
Ignore the truth, ignore the government.
Turn the tide, laugh at them as they hide. Come at them in the night!
Dodge the guns, hide from their lies.
What do they know but what they've been told.
Ignore your government.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Devil in Disguise

You're surrounded and feel the world rushing in, the feel of the wind in your hair, the pull of the dreams that scare. Your never ending epiphany of what is fair.
You lie, cheat and scare. The path of the righteous is one less than your willing to afford. You see the dreams schemes and the loss of the never ending dreams.
What are you willing to give up for the loss of life, the fallens strife, the gathering storm in your head, the cattle and the restless dead.
It stirs, it whines, your cacophony of never ending lies. The spies filling the skies, the pills in our heads, the cameras with eyes, you're the devil in the end. The horseman with no horse.
But your end comes at the time, the line of the choice of the rhythm of the right, the left and the middle you're the devil in disguise.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Truth is Out There.

For the last week we've learned that our government is lying to us and that whomever is truly running the government trusts no one, which is why we've been lied to about a great many things.

I thought writing these types of posts were behind me on the blogosphere, but alas it's not to be.

Truth be told I trust no government, this may make me sound crazy or out of my mind and, yes, I'm waiting for the guys in the white coats to put me in a "hug-me" jacket and throw me in a padded room.

I love this country and what it was founded on, but it's no longer that country. It hasn't been in a long time.

When I played The Matrix Online I went by the moniker, Cubist. This has to do with my initials, and my toons given name was Thomas Madison, taken from the two rival founding fathers.

When I thought about writing a post about what's been going on many things came to my mind, but the one that stood out is this.


But like other countries in the last few years, maybe its time.

I saw a comment the other day that said something like this, "We need someone to stand up to the government. One person that would lead."

Who would lead something like that?

Don't believe your government, they're lying to you!